Wonders of Watershed | sfbaymsi
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Wonders of watersheds

Monday - Saturday

Times vary

Grades 6 and up

Max 30 students
Max 37 participants

NGSS Connections (Science Content Standards Set by CA Sate Education Board for Public Schools) 

6th thru 8th Grade DCI's: 

Wonders of Watershed Pricing

Contact info@sfbaymsi.org for pricing

All school programs are automatically subsidized. Our development team works hard to secure funds for teachers. If you need additional financial assistance please contact us. We may be able to offer extra scholarships.

Click here to start the additional sponsorship process.

Forms and Information

Explore local watersheds and discover how humans depend on and influence them with the Wonders of Watersheds program. This inquiry-driven multiple-exposure program combines an in-class visit (“Inland Voyage”) with two field trips, which build upon each other to deepen students’ understanding and create opportunities for cross-cutting between concepts. Through this series students gain an in-depth appreciation for what a watershed is and for their connection to the environment.  

In-Class Visit (Your School): This in-class program introduces the concept of a watershed using hands-on experimentation with a watershed model.

Field Trip 1 (Stulsaft Park, RWC): During this field trip students take data about the Arroyo Ojo de Agua tributary of Redwood Creek including physical and chemical properties of the water. Using this information they consider factors relating to sustainability and discuss the health of the local watershed.

Field Trip 2 (Redwood Creek, RWC): The final part of this program takes students on the water where they explore another part of the watershed in a unique and exciting way. From canoes (offered March - October), students test water quality, compare data to other parts of the watershed, pick up litter, and reflect upon their connections to their watershed.

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