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Encouraging "Pipeline Staff": A BayLines Original Article

Marine Science Institute is proud to encourage “pipeline staff”: those staff members who were once volunteers or summer campers at MSI. Last year MSI was proud to have had 28% pipeline staff! The staff have great value when they return because their experience and knowledge about marine science and the way that MSI functions helps us to operate more efficiently and effectively.

The MSI culture welcomes all to pursue

positions within the organization. Many of our current Program Managers and office staff were once Science Instructors. Even some of the Board members had a relationship with MSI as Science Instructors, Program Managers or volunteering prior to obtaining their current position on the Board! Within the summer Marine Science Camp family we are honored that our volunteers and staff return to share their passion and energy.

Seven out of our nine Marine Science Camp Counselors are returning for another summer of adventures. Before becoming Counselors, six of those returning were volunteers years ago and a few of them even attended Marine Science Camp as a child! When they graduate from their respective universities some of the Counselors have expressed interest in becoming full-time Science Instructors to work at MSI during the school year.

It is our sincere hope that our past and current volunteers want to continue their relationship with us, as they are truly a valued asset to the MSI family. School year programs and summer Marine Science Camp are filled with inspirational moments and incredible growth in curiosity for marine science. Donating time whether in a volunteer or staff position only deepens that experience through the instructional seasons, years and even decades.

We appreciate volunteers and summer campers for donating their time, energy and voice to the MSI mission. Their experience as devoted volunteers facilitates the fluidity of the MSI culture by providing a valuable support system.  They help guide new staff and are an informative resource to the program each season. Each instructional season will bring its own opportunities and a different atmosphere as there are new staff and volunteers and quite a few familiar faces as the months go on. Whether you are new to MSI or have participated within the MSI community in some aspect, we welcome all to continue with their passion for marine science and education.


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