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Kids made BIG waves of positive change with Marine Science Institute at Ocean Beach, San Francisco

Aerial photo courtesy of Kevin Lozaw Photography | Aerial art coordination by Carter Brooks

On May 16, 2018, 600 elementary students and volunteers from San Francisco and Marin City cleaned up Ocean Beach and then sat in formation to create an aerial design to broadcast the need to take action for a clean ocean. The students enjoyed some beach time while championing the importance of reducing our use of disposable plastics and preventing littering. The annual San Francisco event was organized by the Marine Science Institute and sponsored by the California Coastal Commission’s Whale Tail Grants Program. Five other similar cleanups involving a total of 8,000 children are taking place up and down the California coast in honor of World Oceans Day on June 8th.

Kids actions and voices about plastic pollution are powerful! To read more about what these young environmental stewards had to say during the beach clean-up, check out this article from the SF Chronicle : Tricks of the Trash: Bay Area kids enjoy annual Adopt-a-Beach cleanup

Special thanks to the California Coastal Commission, teachers, students and volunteers who "made waves" with us!
